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Caring for your Silver Jewellery

Sterling silver is 92.5 percent silver and 7.5 percent another metal usually copper. It is the copper which will tarnish naturally over time. Tarnish is a product of chemical reaction that is caused by the other metals mixed with the silver reacting to sulphur and moisture in the air. Things like moisturiser, perfume, hairspray and deodorant can all further contribute to further tarnishing your silver. Clean jewellery is happy jewellery and will last longer. Prevention is better than cure, all jewellery should be stored in a cool dry place, away from sunlight and separate from other pieces. Preferably in sealed bags.


Your jewellery is meant for everyday wear however, it should be removed before showering, at the pool or spa, exercising, gardening, doing any housework or going into the sea. Other things that can affect your silver jewellery are hand sanitizer, soaps, and cleaning products.


If you accidently wear your jewellery in water, dry them off immediately. In any water with chlorine in or any other chemicals, rinse in clean water and then dry.


All silver needs cleaning periodically. This can be done with warm soapy water and then dried with a soft cloth. If washing your jewellery over a sink, always remember to put the plug in. You only need a tiny amount of soap as using too much can damage your jewellery. It should be rinsed and dried thoroughly. You can also regularly wipe with a jewellery cleaning cloth. Be careful what you use to clean your silver with as some products are abrasive and can damage your jewellery.

Caring for your Crystal Jewellery

Your jewellery is meant for everyday wear, however to prolong the lifespan of crystal jewellery this should be cleaned regularly. To do this simply wipe with a soft lint-free cloth to remove dirt or dust from the surface, and to maintain it's shine. If your crystal jewellery has any stubborn marks that won’t shift, it might need a deeper clean. This can be done with a soft bristle toothbrush and warm soapy water. If you're washing your jewellery over a sink, always remember to put the plug in. You only need a tiny amount of mild soap as using too much can cause damage to jewellery. It should be rinsed and dried thoroughly before putting the jewellery into a box or pouch. It is important to check before cleaning your crystals with water whether your crystal can be immersed in water as some gemstones are more sensitive to getting wet than others.


Don’t use sharp objects to pick dirt from your jewellery, as this could scratch the surface of the crystal. Take care when using polishes and tarnish removers around your gemstones as these can cause your gemstones to become dull and fade.


Crystals can store, absorb, and emit energies from the environment. As you wear your crystal jewellery your aura is infused with the crystals energy whilst at the same time the crystal is also absorbing energy from you too. So, if you want to wear your energetically pure crystal jewellery, you will need to cleanse them regularly and store them in a clean dry place.


Some crystals can be cleansed with the sun or moon; however, you should check your particular crystal before using either of these methods. 


All crystals can be cleansed with smudging without damaging your gemstone. This can be done by holding your jewellery over the smoke of a burning Palo Santo stick or Sage bundle for about 5 minutes. If for any reason you are sensitive to, or cannot use, this smoking method, smudging sprays can be used instead.


High vibrational energy can also be used to cleanse all crystals. If you love to meditate, practice visualisation or reiki then this would be your 'go-to' method. To begin with, you might like to start with a relaxation meditation to ground yourself. Holding your crystal jewellery in your hands and visualize a beam of the purest white light flowing down from the top of your head. Direct that energy through your hands into the crystals, visualising them filling with high vibrational energy and white light. Continue this until you feel the crystals vibe light and clear.


You can also cleans crystals with other crystals such as clear quartz, amethyst or selenite without losing their own energy. Simply lay your crystals next to/on top of these crystals for at least 6 hours to cleans and purify its energy.


If you have any questions regarding Caring or Cleansing do please drop me a line. E mail is best.

Caring for your Elasticated Bracelet

Every effort is made when making your elasticated bracelet to ensure it will last a long time. The elastic is stretched prior to finishing the bracelet to avoid further stretching when being worn. It is tied using a double surgeons knot.


Your bracelet is not meant to be worn in water or immersed in any chemicals as this will cause the elastic to deteriorate and break. Your jewellery is meant for everyday wear however, to avoid damage or scratching I recommend removing before showering, at the pool or spa, exercising, gardening, doing any housework or going into the sea. Harsh soaps, lotions, perfume, chemicals and even sweat can cause discoloration of your crystals, so to get the most from your bracelet, take off until you are done.

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